Saturday, March 3, 2018

Circuit Drawings

Students in STEAM enrichment learned how to make a paper circuit, using copper tape, LED and a 3 volt coin battery. We discussed different types of circuits like parallel and shape. Each circuit needs a positive and negative charge to complete the circuit to light the LED. Students made parallel and shape circuits to fit in with their design.

Then students had to incorporate a LED light into their work of art. Some students drawings were of street lights, car headlights, and lights on buildings.

Students then presented their paper circuit artwork to the class. They discuss the type of circuit they used either parallel or shape and why it worked best with their artwork. They presented what was easy about this project, which most said the actual making of the art, and making the circuit was the most difficult. 
This lesson covers 4th grade SOLs in Science:
4.3             The student will investigate and understand the characteristics of electricity. Key concepts include
a)     conductors and insulators;
b)    basic circuits;
c)     static electricity;
d)    the ability of electrical energy to be transformed into light and motion, and to produce heat;
e)     simple electromagnets and magnetism; and
f)     historical contributions in understanding electricity.

This lesson cover 4th grade SOLs in Art:

4.1          The student will use steps of the art-making process, including brainstorming, preliminary                   sketching, planning, and reflecting, to generate ideas for and create works of art.
4.2          The student will demonstrate craftsmanship in personal works of art.
4.3          The student will use imaginative and expressive imagery to create works of art.

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