Thursday, June 6, 2019

Teaching Artistic Behavior Through the Studio Habits of the Mind

       In the 2018-2019 school year I have started my journey of personalizing learning in art. Teaching for Artistic Behavior (TAB) is a nationally recognized choice-based art education approach for teaching art. In a TAB studio students are regarded as artists and choose what to work on, but I am not ready to give up total control, yet. I did find moving forward through the school year, I am able to release more control and allow more student voice and choice in the artist studio.  Right now, I fall on the "modified choice" continuum where students can choose the content or the media not both.
Eight Studio Habits of the Mind

      A big part of teaching students how to be artists in the art studio (classroom) are the studio habits of mind. The studio habits of the mind have form the framework. I started the school year with teaching the students the eight studio habits of the mind: Develop Craft, Envision, Express, Observe, Engage and Persist, Stretch and Explore, Reflect, and Understand Art Worlds.
The students and I started by unpacking the studio habits of mind and trying to understand this new vocabulary in the art room.

Teaching Artistic Behavior Through the Studio Habits of the Mind

       In the 2018-2019 school year I have started my journey of personalizing learning in art. Teaching for Artistic Behavior (TAB) is a na...